Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Module 6 Personal Theory

Learning is a complex multi-faceted process that varies with the individual. This results in a variety of theories methods and tools for instruction. There is no one perfect approach to the creation of learning conditions and opportunities. Instructors need to be open and willing to step out of their comfort zones in effort to reach their learners.

Along with this flexible attitude, instructors need to hold fast to learning objectives and outcomes. Research and theory based instruction creates a foundation and framework necessary for thorough and complete instructional methods. Whether, behaviorist, constructivist, cognivist or any other “ist” theory or approach an instructor applies, it should be founded on research, data, and results to ensure the learner will be the central figure of the instruction.


  1. Michael,

    Your comment about having a flexible attitude seemed to me to be the most important factor in teaching or learning. With the fantastic rate that we are expanding our knowledge base, the rule seems to be that one must be flexible or be left behind.

    Nicely done.

  2. Michael, I agree with your reflection. If we hold fast to our objectives and teach with those outcomes in mind. We will reach students that we haven't been able to and fewer students will fall through the cracks.

  3. Mike'
    I do agree that reaearch and theory should play a critical role in instruction. As I have studied theory this quarter, I have realized the importance of teaching specific learners in the way in the which their brain learns and perceives information. Good post.

